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We are actively seeking updated information for all trees in the register. If you have information about this tree that we don't currently have recorded, or wish to advise of an inaccuracy please use our information submission form to help us build a complete profile of this tree.
This tree record is incomplete. If you intend to use this data for reference purposes, please contact us to expedite the validation process.

Tree Information x

Identifier: NA/P0069
Registered By: Manitoba Forestry Association
Genus: Acer
Species: saccharum
Common names: sugar maple, hard maple rock maple
Height: 14.00 m
Diameter: 103.5 cm
Avg. Crown Spread: 17.37 m
Champion Tree Score: 188


City/Town: Notre Dame De Lourdes
Region: (not specified)
General Notes:

These sugar maples were planted at the ends of the last century from the stock brought to Manitoba from Quebec. The trees were planted on a southern exposed slope-protected by a thick hardwood grove on the north, west and east sides. In their early years of growth, they were tapped in the springtime for maple sap. These trees are located on the Sala farm, (SE2-7-9W), about 2 km northwest of Notre Dame de Lourdes. This farm has been in the Sala family for many decades.
Nominated By: Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Sala, Des Meurons Street, Winnipeg.
Source: Manitoba Forestry Association. 1987. Heritage Trees of Manitoba. Page 25.
*These trees were designated as trees of interest in the Manitoba Forestry Association's "Heritage Trees of Manitoba" published in 1987. The trees do not have any special designation or protection under the Provincial Heritage Tree program.

Filename: NA.0069A.saccharum.a.jpg, Image Credit: Heritage Trees of Manitoba Manitoba Forestry Association 1987. All rights reserved. Permission must be obtained before any reuse of this image.

Tree Information x

Identifier: NA/P0069
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Manitoba Forestry Association
Registration Category: Provincial Heritage Tree- Notable Tree
General Notes:

These sugar maples were planted at the ends of the last century from the stock brought to Manitoba from Quebec. The trees were planted on a southern exposed slope-protected by a thick hardwood grove on the north, west and east sides. In their early years of growth, they were tapped in the springtime for maple sap. These trees are located on the Sala farm, (SE2-7-9W), about 2 km northwest of Notre Dame de Lourdes. This farm has been in the Sala family for many decades.
Nominated By: Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Sala, Des Meurons Street, Winnipeg.
Source: Manitoba Forestry Association. 1987. Heritage Trees of Manitoba. Page 25.
*These trees were designated as trees of interest in the Manitoba Forestry Association's "Heritage Trees of Manitoba" published in 1987. The trees do not have any special designation or protection under the Provincial Heritage Tree program.

Single Tree Details

Genus: Acer
Species: saccharum
Common names: sugar maple, hard maple rock maple
Given Name: Sugar Maples-Notre Dame De Lourdes
Height: 14.00m
Height measurement method: Clinometer & Tape - tangent
Height Comments: (none)
Girth: 325.1 cm
Girth measurement height: 0.0000 m
Girth Comments: (none)
Diameter: 103.5 cm
Crown Spread A: 17.37m
Crown Spread B: 17.37m
Avg. Crown Spread: 17.37m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date:
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: not known years
Tree Health Description: (none)
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: (none)
Champion Tree Score: 188
Local Protection Status: No
Tree Physically Present: Yes
Heritage Score: 0


Date Observer Action
04 Apr 2016 Znamirowski, I


Note: A map is not displayed as no coordinate information has been recorded for this entry.
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Location Name: Sala Farm
Address: Sala farm, (SE2-7-9W)
City/Town: Notre Dame De Lourdes
Region: (not specified)
Location Description: Sala farm, (SE2-7-9W), about 2 km northwest of Notre Dame de Lourdes
Public Accessibility: (not specified)
Local Authority: (not specified)


Preview Credit Date
Heritage Trees of Manitoba Manitoba Forestry Association 1987 01 Jun 1987
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